In the US, the prevalence of GERD is 10-20% of the population. Although all ages and races are at risk, the greatest concentration of GERD occurs in the age range of 50-70 year olds. This will likely increase the prevalence of GERD as this age range is the fastest growing and life expectancy continues to prolong (1). East Asia holds the lowest rate of prevalence (2.5-7.8%), with all other nations falling in the range of approximately 10-30%. (2)
It is difficult to capture an accurate prevalence of GERD, as this disease is often self-treated by patients with over the counter medication, unless it progresses to a level requiring medical attention. In comparison to heart attacks or cancer, which are more frequently reported as they require emergent medical attention or the inability to self-treat is obvious.
1. Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease (GERD). Upper GI and General Surgery. Retrieved from
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